Weekend Forecast

Crafting with no chance of social interaction!. My husband has already had the weekend forecast, it has been another busy week at work with not much time or energy for crafting, but this weekend I am going to put that right.

For my day job I do a lot of planning and usually when it comes to my crafting I am quite fluid and may swap between crafts at a weekend, however this time I have actually made a list…..what is the world coming to?. The reason for the list is that I have decided to unpick a few and have a clear out – shock horror.

Crafts of the past

I love to try new crafts and I am not alone. Did you know the results from the annual crafters survey show people have about 5 crafts on the go at once…I think I am slightly over by about 3, ok maybe 4.

The Mask – Stash Buster

Can you believe we are another 4 weeks into lockdown?. I hope you have managed to spend some time on your own wellbeing and you are ready for the gradual return to normal – but wearing a mask?

All hail the fat quarter

I, like many others have been involved in making face masks for friends and family over the last few weeks. The great thing about making the masks has been the simplicity and the small amounts of fabric used. This means I have been able to undertake some much needed stash busting. A fat quarter of fabric yields 2 masks so I got to the 50th mask and a visible small dent had been made, and the jars of buttons and elastic stocks had begone to see the light.

Brushing Up On Skills

Last month we talked about learning new skills, for some this would have been the case in order for them to make their own mask or for others maybe a little refresher with their sewing machine was all that was needed. Which ever route you came via I think lockdown has introduced many people to the satisfaction that can be gained from community sewing or sewing for a cause. Like lots of other crafters there are only so many things you can make/give to family or friends so it has been agreat opportunity to sew for a wider audience and feel that you are giving something back.

What should we do next?

I notice some of the online crafting groups are thinking about the next stage, will crafters remain in the groups without the huge demand and single aim – I think they will. There will be lots of charities and communities that will need to raise funds and craters will be able to support and continue that stash busting – surely we have learnt in lockdown we do not need to keep that piece of fabric just in case and we should share and enjoy the moment…..so get the scissors out and make that first cut.

Workshops for Lockdown Learning

So we have got this far – have you crafted yourself silly yet?. The lockdown has effected people in many ways but some have taken it as an opportunity to adjust to a new normal and maybe introduce some Lockdown Learning.

This might range from anything in the crafty world to any new skill or just an chance to brush up on some old favourites, maybe even read a book, the good old fashioned paper variety – remember those?

Hands on or Virtual?

I have found over the years I like to learn with a hands on approach. I like to see what is happening, how somebody handles a product, what environment they are in and the opportunity for a natter. In this new world we are in at present that has been taken away with the social distancing and we are resorting to more on line learning, which is not to everybody’s taste.

Last week I hosted my first on line interactive craft session and it was somewhat nerve wracking – both for me and the 4 participants.

The technical set up was mind boggling and I felt like I needed to be an octopus to keep the camera, laptop, microphone all in sync. So with a cup of tea on hand we kicked of the session with a look into the contents of the craft kit that the attendees had first purchased from our website and then I gave a short demonstration of putting the product together whilst the audience looked on and asked questions.

Your turn

So with the kit assembled and initial nerves over a quick recap of the steps to take it was the turn of the virtual attendees. At this stage I could hear some mumbling and then silence as they started to concentrate forgetting they had a camera on them. Slowly I could see the crafters relaxing and we started to see the finished Owls emerging, no mean feat on a Saturday evening.

Phew – mission accomplished

So 90 minutes later we all agreed the session was a success and would meet again in a few weeks with another kit.

I know learning on the internet is not the same as getting around a table and nattering and making but I think this online learning malarkey may have to become the norm for a while…..

so what have you learnt on the internet…did you enjoy it?