Beginners Crochet or Beginners Knitting?

I haven’t decided – crochet or knitting or can I do both?.

Knitting or Crochet?

So are you a knitter or do you favour crochet or maybe you have learnt to do both, do you think one is easier that one is easier that the other….so many questions?

I have dabbled with both of these crafts over the years but would not say that I am fluent in either!. Both knitting and crochet will enable you to make lots of clothing item, home decor and of course soft toys that may become a family heirloom.

Maybe you don’t really have a preference and it is just the purchasing of the beautiful skeins of yarn that attracts you…or have you attended one of our workshops and are now hooked?

Over the next few months I will let you know how I get on with my renewed interest in these crafts but in the interim let me know if you have a favourite and why?.

In the Workshop…

Workshops Galore

Phew – it is the end of March and it has been a busy month with a lot of time spent planning and running Workshops. I have had a great time and met some lovely people who have joined me in Needle felting an array of flowers, fairies, keyrings and bears. There has been many a unique make and I love the smile on someones face when they have started the session with “I will not be able to make that” and finishing with “I love it as they hold up their creation with pride”.

Printing Round The Block

During March we also found time to run our first Indian Block Printing workshop. The afternoon started with a short demonstration of how to load the water based paint to the block and then apply the right amount of pressure to get a good print.

In the bag

By the end of the session the group had perfected their technique and printed a range of cards, tea towels and their own tote bag to take their stash home. I got to take home all the blocks and paint trays to wash up….

Coming next month….

So with April approaching and the clocks going forward we will have brighter evenings, a perfect opportunity to attend one of our workshops near you.